ELITE VEGETARIANA Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharashi: El Amor de un Gran Sabio hacia todos los Seres - part 1 of 2 (en Tamil)    Parte 1
Parte 1 Play with windows media
( 63 MB )
Parte 2 Play with windows media
( 62 MB )

“Regulation of diet, restricting it to sattvic food (that is, pure vegetarian food), taken in
moderate quantities, is the best of all rules of conduct and the most conducive to the development of sattvic
(pure) qualities of mind.” “Who Am I?” by Sri Ramana Maharshi

Hallo, peaceful viewers. Thank you for joining us on this week’s Vegetarian Elite. Today, we will pay tribute
to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, the great sage of the Arunachala.

For more information about Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, please visit www.SriRamanaMaharshi.org

To view additional footages of  Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, DVDs can be obtained through:
www.Arunachala.org for "Guru Ramana - His Living Presence"
or visit:www.arunachala.org/bookstall/videos/

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