Fertility of future generations affected by mother’s drinking - 6 Jul 2010  
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Danish researchers recently evaluated 350 young men, aged 18 to 21, whose mothers had participated in a large study on lifestyle when they were expecting their sons.

Their results revealed that women who had consumed four or more alcoholic drinks a week while pregnant gave birth to sons who ultimately had a 32% lower sperm count on average than the young men whose mothers had abstained from alcohol.

Study lead, Dr. Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen of Denmark’s Aarhus University Hospital, said these findings may explain some of the male fertility problems seen in recent decades.

Dr. Ramlau-Hansen and colleagues, many thanks for this comprehensive study that highlights the effects of our actions on others. Let us all maintain optimal health for ourselves and cherished loved ones through lifestyles that are vibrantly intoxicant-free.


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