Ireland’s Fine Gael party triumphs in elections - 28 Feb 2011  
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Ireland’s Fine Gael party triumphs in elections. With voter turnout for elections on Friday, February 25 being more than 70%, the Fine Gael party has won the highest number of votes, with party leader Enda Kenny appearing set to be the country’s next prime minister. To secure a majority of Parliamentary seats, Mr. Kenny next needs to form a coalition government, most likely with the Labor Party, which he has said he intends to do over the next few days. The new leader has also pledged to re-negotiate an €85 billion bailout package from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union, with a goal of reducing the taxpayers’ burden and restoring the nation’s pride.

Our respectful congratulations, Mr. Kenny and the Fine Gael party in your election win. May your leadership serve the noble goals of the Irish people to flourish in dignity, prosperity and peace.,


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