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Palästinensische Folklore durch harmonische Musik (Arabisch)   

Halo happy viewers, and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment.

On today’s program, we sit with Amjad Hamdan, a Palestinian musician now in Chicago, USA,
who shares his insight of Palestine and her folklore songs.

Throughout history, Palestine was a cultural center, and a center of faith of three major religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – shaped by numerous groups of people who came and went.

Mr. Amjad Hamdan tells us more:

Amjad Hamdan (m): The Palestinian music and culture is a diverse culture. However, we share the same values. We share the same folkloric tradition, customs, and way of life. And we live next to each other, neighbors. And it’s been forever and forever.

Links zu diesem Thema
Der Geist des palästinischen Debka-Tanzes (Arabisch)
Interview mit Neale Donald Walsch, Autor von "Gespräche mit Gott" - Teil 2
Die Welt um uns herum Garten Gethsemane & Kirche aller Nationen in Palästina (Arabisch)
Le Trio Joubran: eine Stimme des palästinensischen Herzens (Arabisch)
The Splendor of Palestinian Costumes and Embroidery
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