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Einstieg in die Welt veganer Mode mit Designerin und Öko-preneurin Nancy Dong   
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Today on Vegetarian Elite, we are going to venture into the exciting world of fashion. We will delve into
the latest emerging movement that is compassionate fashion, or also known as vegan eco-fashion, where great care is taken to protect the environment by using sustainable materials, notably, by the omission of using any animal products.

Fashion has always been an ephemeral subject. It’s not simply about the look,it’s also about texture, silhouette, and function; now it’s also about the process.

People embrace fashion because it is a declaration of self-expression, an exhibition of beauty and class, and a reflection of current culture.

We welcome the new generation of vegan eco-fashion designers whose creations still maintain a level of style and quality that rival or surpass that of traditional products.

Let’s take a look at a few vegan accessories designers.

Visit KailiaFootwear.com and Do-Ni.com for Nancy Dong's vegan shoe designs.

Links zu diesem Thema
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Die Elite der Vegetarier Joanne Rose, erblühender Star und vegane Visionärin
Die Elite der Vegetarier PETA Präsidentin und Mitbegründerin, Ingrid Newkirk: Die Eine, die den Unterschied machte – Teil 1 von 2
Die Elite der Vegetarier Autor und Historiker Rynn Berry: Die Wurzeln des Vegetarismus entdecken – Teil 1 von 2
Die Elite der Vegetarier Schauspielerin Daryl Hannah, Veganerin und Öko-Star
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