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Rote Bucht: Richard O'Barry enthüllt die Ausbeutung und das Massaker an Delfinen   
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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us.However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

HOST: Thoughtful viewers, thank you for joining us today for Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. On this episode of the Stop Animal Cruelty series,we will address the senseless exploitation and horrific massacre of dolphins, some of the most lovable and intelligent of our Earthly co-inhabitants.

Sadly, each year hundreds of thousands of dolphins die after being entangled in fishing gear and tens of thousands more are senselessly killed for meat. Many are also captured for public display in aquariums around the world.

The world’s largest annual dolphin kill takes place over a six-month period in a cove near the village of Taiji in southwestern Japan.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the seas turn crimson from this massive murder of thousands of dolphins, and the vast majority of people in Japan and the rest of the world have no idea that the slaughter occurs.

Richard Mr. O’Barry: What you are about to see is quite shocking but we can't edit those scenes out because you need to see the truth. Take a look. This is Taiji, and here's the killing cove; it's right behind this mountain, actually.

We are not allowed back there, but what happens, basically, is all the boats here in the harbor go out in the morning at daylight, and somewhere out here at sea they encounter dolphins and whales.
They put their long poles in the water, which have a bell on the bottom, a flange.
They beat on this bell and they create literally a wall of sound.
And by doing that they drive the dolphins into this killing cove,where they are slaughtered in the most brutal way imaginable.

For more about Richard O'Barry,
please visit

For details on "The Cove"
please visit

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