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Niska: Maler der Seele    Teil 2
Teil 1 ( 38 MB )
Teil 2 ( 39 MB )

Greetings angelic viewers, and welcome to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms on Supreme Master Television. In today’s show, we’ll take an inspiring voyage to the realm of light with the first of our two-part series on contemporary Canadian artist François Lortie, better known as Niska.

Called “the Painter of the Soul,” Niska has devoted over 50 years of his life to the ardent quest for God with his paintbrush.

At the age of six, Niska was struck by a city bus when he found himself out of his body and surrounded by bright light. The life-changing moment was followed by 18 months of confinement in a hospital bed.

Assigned to the rehabilitation center along with war amputees, he created his first painting under the loving encouragement of his caretakers. It was here that he made his lifetime commitment to spreading the message of light.

Niska (m): I was already painting those lights and my first exhibition [was] when I sent the paintings in Ottawa for the National Gallery in 1954. By this year, I remember, I was like 14 years-old, those energies that I felt in my guts, I wanted to help the world, I wanted to help humanity, to change the world, So I associated to my spiritual energy, wanted so much to give, so that’s the strength of power. And of course the light that I associate to [is] the Light of God.

For more about Niska’s paintings,
please visit www.niska.org

Links zu diesem Thema
Die vom Himmel inspirierte Kunst von Akiane, Wunderkind-Malerin & Dichterin
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