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Liebevolle Gebete für Palästina: Ein Besuch bei einer Karmeliternonne in Bethlehem (Arabisch)   
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Welcome beloved viewers to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms on Supreme Master Television.

The Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel was founded centuries ago by a group of hermits who lived close to the Spring of Elijah on Mount Carmel in Palestine. The two roots of the order’s spirituality are found in the Prophet Elijah and the Virgin Mary.

At the beginning of the 13th century the hermits received an official rule of life which was written by St. Albert, Patriarch of Jerusalem. However, the Carmelites had to leave their new order due to the unstable situation in the land.

They traveled to Europe, where soon monasteries were founded. Today, there are approximately 800 establishments for nuns and 500 for friars throughout the world.

In the Holy Land, there are groups of Carmelite nuns in Bethlehem, Haifa, Mount Carmel, Jerusalem, and Nazareth.

Supreme Master Television had a chance to visit with a Carmelite nun in the Carmel of Bethlehem, also known as the Carmel of the Holy Child Jesus, to learn more about them.

This particular Carmel has 15 resident nuns from all corners of the globe, including the Philippines, France, Poland, Madagascar, and Palestine.

To honor the Carmelites’ origins with the hermits who had once lived secluded on Mount Carmel, the windows of the edifice have metal grids. They symbolize the renunciate’s wish to maintain a certain degree of solitude and silence, away from the mundane world.

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