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Unsere edle Herkunft: Den Vegetarismus als Vermächtnis des antiken Griechenlands zurückverfolgen (Griechisch)   
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Hallo, fine viewers. Thank you for joining us here on Our Noble Lineage. Ancient Greece, the cradle of one of the grandest civilizations of the human world, represents the glory of the antiquity. The philosophy, science,
architecture, music, and art that flourished in ancient Greece has prefigured later brilliant periods in European culture, as well as in many other cultures around the globe. 

Dr.JH(m): It was the peak, if you look at history, the greatest piece of architecture, the greatest contributions to mankind, that was it, that was the moment. That was the moment.

A bright piece of the cultural heritage of ancient Greece was the widely adopted vegetarian lifestyle among the most intelligent and creative thinkers of the classical time. Vegetarian elites in ancient Greece form an impressive long list:

Hesiod the poet; Pythagoras the mathematician and philosopher; Herodotus the father of history; the spiritual master Orpheus; the profound thinkers Socrates and Plato; Empedokles the philosopher and scientist; Aristotle the philosopher; Plutarch the father of biography; and so on and so forth. In fact, vegetarianism was part of a shared elite culture in the larger classical Mediterranean world.

It was not difficult to find prominent vegetarian neighbors for Pythagoras and Aristotle.

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