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Am Klavier mit Herrn Charles Segal, einem brillanten Künstler, Komponisten und Lehrer – Teil 1/2   

Loved the world over, Mr. Charles Segal is one of the most accomplished musicians on Earth! He has produced an amazingly large volume of original works – over 1,500 songs and musical pieces! Mr. Segal is also the featured artist on more than 200 albums.

(Interview in English) Segal (m):
My mother was a mandolin player. And you know what a mandolin is like? A violin. And she instilled music into me. And they used to call me “Pint of Musica.” (NFT: pint is a small unit of volume, can refer to a small child)  And I learned music and I started, I loved it so much. Even now, I mean, I’m absolutely crazy about it.

Born in Lithuania, Charles Segal was raised in South Africa, where he became a celebrity pianist. As early as 1973, he became the winner of the South Africa Record Industry (SARI) Award, a prestige equivalent to the US-based Grammy Award. He moved to the United States in 1980s and remains to be a most recorded
pianist till the present. Continuously renewing his artistry for over half a century, Mr. Segal is an extremely versatile musician with a breadth and depth as rich as his life experiences.

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