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Tấm Cám – Teil 1 von 3 (Aulacesisch)    Teil 1
Teil 1
Teil 2
Teil 3

HOST: The chèo traditional opera “Tấm Cám” is based on a famous Aulacese legend,about Tấm and Cám, two half-sisters with opposite personalities. Similar to the fairy tale “Cinderella” from Europe, the story of  “Tấm Cám” is widely told among the Aulacese people. It reflects the concept of “good people attract goodness,” and highlights mercy for the wrongdoers’ lack of unawareness, allowing them to have a chance to repent and make amends.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the Aulacese chèo traditional opera titled “Tấm Cám” by Lưu Quang Thuận. It will presented in 3 episodes, with performances by Quỳnh Mai as Tấm, Thanh Hường as Cám, Mai Hương as Cám’s Mother, Văn Quân as the Prince, Anh Tuấn as Guard Thìn, Xuân Hải as Village Elder, Mai Trang as Miss Xoan, Huệ Liên as Miss Nụ, Kim Quế as Miss Mận, Mai Lan as Miss Điều, Kim Cúc as Elder Đa and other artists.


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