Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Valentine’s Day Sweets and Eats with Truth on Earth    Teil 2   
Teil 1
Teil 2
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Vegan Barbeque Chicken
½ onion, sliced
1 red pepper, sliced
1 yellow pepper, sliced
1 or more vegan chicken patties, enough for 4 people
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ cup or more of your favorite BBQ sauce

Valentine Chocolate Sundae Cups with Homemade Berry Sauce
Small balloons
Chocolate chips for melting
Wax paper
¼ cup strawberries, sliced
¼ raspberries
¼ cup currants (optional)
2 tablespoons water
⅓ cup vegan sugar
Vegan ice cream

Valentine Mini Chocolate Cake Hearts with Buttercream Icing
Soy butter, to grease pans
1 cup soy milk +
1 teaspoon vinegar (to make mock buttermilk)
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more for pans
2 cups vegan sugar
¾ cups cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
½ cup vegetable oil
Egg replacer equivalent of 3 eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup freshly brewed hot coffee (can be decaf)
Buttercream Icing:
1 cup soy butter, chilled
2 cups sifted vegan powdered sugar

“Valentine’s Day Sweets and Eats with Truth on Earth”

Directions (to make vegan barbeque chicken ):
  1. Put half of an onion sautéing in the pan
  2. Cutting up some red peppers and yellow peppers
  3. Add the peppers to the onions and just sauté that for a little bit
  4. Add the vegan chicken
  5. Let it browned up for a little bit
  6. Turn flame on fairly high
  7. Stir it around
  8. When it’s starting to look a little dry, so add a little bit of vegan soy butter
  9. Add barbeque sauce
  10. Shut off the heat
  11. Stir that
  12. Serve it up (you can eat this meal with a salad and with rice)
Directions (to make chocolate cups):
  1. Melt chocolate in the microwave about 15 seconds and stir it
  2. Take a very small inflatable balloon
  3. Dipped it in the chocolate
  4. Put in the freezer for about an hour
  5. After that have been freezing, take a knife, pop it
Directions (to make berry sauce):
  1. Put vegan organic sugar and few tablespoons of water into the pan
  2. Let that simmer a few minutes until all the sugar has dissolved
  3. It’s important to keep stirring it as well
  4. Keep that on low for a few minutes
  5. Than turn on high for just a few seconds until boil
  6. After all of the sugar has dissolved, shut it off
  7. Put all of berries in (raspberries, currents and strawberries)
  8. Stir for a while
  9. It’s done
Directions (to make chocolate cups with vanilla ice cream and berry sauce):

  1. Put chocolate cups in our plate dishes
  2. Scooping the vegan vanilla ice cream out into the chocolate cups
  3. Take a little bit of each berries on the vegan ice cream
  4. Put little mint for decoration
  5. Ready to eat
“Vegan Chocolate Cake with Buttercream Icing”

Directions (to make dry ingredients):

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of vinegar into a cup of soy milk (to thickens up the milk)
  2. Sift organic flour (that makes sure that everything gets combined really well. And there’s no lumps or lumps or anything in there)
  3. Sift raw cocoa powder
  4. Put salt, baking soda and baking powder going to dump that right in the bowl
  5. Put organic vegan sugar
  6. Mix that and make it all combined really well
Directions (to make wet ingredients):
  1. Put oil into the measuring cup
  2. Put the ener-g egg replacer (equivalent of 3 eggs)
  3. Put in about a teaspoon and a half organic vanilla
  4. Put vegan buttermilk
  5. Give it a quick mix
Directions (to make vegan chocolate cake):
  1. Using electric mixer
  2. Put in dry ingredients
  3. Put in all of wet ingredients slowly on low speed
  4. Put in hot fresh brewed coffee
  5. Let that mix for about a minute (don’t over mix it)
  6. Turn off the electric mixer
  7. Scrape a little bit off the sides
  8. Give it one quick mix
  9. Fill the little heart-shaped silicone pans (about half way)
  10. Bake for about 10 minutes at 350 degree oven
Directions (to make a buttercream icing):
  1. Put soy butter in the electric mixer
  2. Let it whip on high for about 3 minutes
  3. About halfway through, stop it and scrape the bowl to get everything up from the bottom
  4. Put on high again
  5. When it changes colors and it almost starts to look white it’s ready for this
  6. On low speed, add powdered sugar
  7. Gradually make it faster
  8. Whip it a little under a minute
  9. Turn off the mixer
  10. Scrape the sides to make sure we have all the powdered sugar in there
  11. Put it back on high for about another 10 seconds
  12. Put into a piping bag to decorate with
  13. Done

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