Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Organischer Gartenbau beim Noyo Food Forest Learning Garden mit Chefköchin Cherie Soria    Teil 1   
Teil 1
Teil 2
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Kale Coleslaw
Yield: 2 cups (2 servings)
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed orange juice
1 tablespoon light miso
2 teaspoons flaxseed oil
1½ teaspoons agave nectar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon ground golden flaxseeds
1 small clove garlic
Pinch of powdered mustard

2 cups large kale leaves
1¼ cups whole head cabbage
1 large ripe tomato
½ cup currents
2 tablespoons
whole red onion
½ red jalapeño chile,
seeded and minced,
or pinch of cayenne
Pinch of salt

Cherie Soria(f):We are here with Susan Lightfoot of the Noyo Food Forest, and this is their Learning Garden. Today, we are going to be walking through the garden and picking some produce so that we can use it in our culinary demonstration a little bit later on.

HOST: Welcome to Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living. We’re going to be spending some time outdoors today and tomorrow in sunny northern California, USA to harvest organic veggies and prepare a fresh, delicious vegan meal later on. Our guest hosts today are Cherie Soria and her husband Dan Ladermann.

As an author, chef, and founder-director of the renowned Living Light Culinary Arts Institute, Cherie is often regarded as the mother of raw food gourmet cuisine. She has helped instruct and certify hundreds of raw food chefs through Living Light, including world famous Chef Roxanne Klein, Chef Chad Sarno, and Chef Elaina Love.

A vegetarian for over four decades and well accomplished with numerous awards, Ms. Cherie Soria shares in an interview what she finds most gratifying: “My devotion to teaching vegetarian foods for [35] years has saved the lives of countless innocent animals and that dwarfs any of my other accomplishments.”
Let’s join Cherie and Dan to learn more about organic community gardens!

More info about Noyo Food Forest Learning Garden and other
organic community garden projects can be found online at
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