Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
A Delicious Paraguayan Tradition: Vegan So’o Apu’a (Vegan Meatball) (In Guaraní)      
Ground soy protein
Scallions (green onions)
Ground pepper
Soy sauce
Served with:Cassava

1 Add some edible oil to the pre-heated pan.
2 Add garlic to 1.
3 After garlic is cooked well, add in soy protein
4 Add some soy sauce & cumin to add flavor
5 Add green onion and cook together.
6 Cool it for a while.

7 Use some sunflower oil. or any other oil.
8 Add the leftover garlic and onion
9 Add carrot, tomato, zucchini, green onion, oregano
10 Cover up and wait for a while to cool.
11 Stir it well and add some salt.
12 Pour in the water. wait until it boils up
13 While waiting, add some cornmeal to the broth.

14 Put some water to the corn meal to dissolve it.
15 Put a little oil and salt and make it like a dough
16 Make them into small balls.
17 Put in each soy protein inside it and roll them to balls.
18 And let them swim in the broth.
19 Cover up.
20 Boil them together until they're all cooked
21 Add a little oregano in the end.
22 Serve them with Cassava

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File NO: 881
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