Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Salat Oliv’e, Classic Russian Potato Salad(In Russian)      
5 or 6 pickles
2 medium boiled potatoes
1 boiled carrot
1 cup canned peas
½ cup mung beans
½ teaspoon mustard
1 cup vegan sour cream
1 cup vegan mayonnaise
1/3 teaspoon black pepper
1 cut vegetarian ham
1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional)
Vegetable oil

1. Cut the vegetables into small cubes.
2. Put 1 table spoon of vegetable oil and a little bit of water into the pot.
3. Add the veg ham into 2. and simmer for a couple of minutes. Don't forget to stir it.
4. While 3. boils, peel the potato. Remove all black of the potato.
5. Add everything to a big bowl.
6. Take out the ham, and boil the mung beans with plenty of water. for 20-30mins.
(better if you soak them before for a couple of hours.)
7. Cut the pickels and carrot into small cubes, add them to the bowl.
8. When the mung beans are cooked, mash them well and add to the salad.
9. Add the peas, vegan mayonnaise, vegan sour cream, black pepper, lemon juice, salt and mix them all. (if you prefer you can add onion too)

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