Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Buddha's Belly Jelly (In English)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Fruit bits
Konnyaku jelly powder
½ cup agave nectar
2 cups fruit juice
2 cups water
1 pinch citric acid

1. Put the water and the juice in the pot.
2. Turn the heater on "high". Stir once in a while.
3. Mix Konyakku jelly powder on the side. Put the whole package in. Pour in agave nectar and mix together.
4. Put some fruits in the mould.
5. Put 3. into 2. and mix, wait until it boils.
6. Put a little sprinkle of citric acid in 5.
7. Once it boils let it boil for 5 mins.
8. Turn off the heater and pour the mixture into the moulds.
9. Let them cool for a while.
10. Cut the outline and push them out of the mould.
11. Enjoy!
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File NO: 1043
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