Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Haitian Pumpkin Soup of Freedom (Soup Joumou) and Spiced Hot Chocolate (In Haitian Creole)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Haitian Pumpkin Soup
(Soup Joumou)
1 cup chopped pumpkin
1 large leek
2 cups cabbage
2 onions
2 teaspoons garlic
1 teaspoon thyme
½ cup vegan “lard” (tofu)
¼ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon oil
8 cups water

Spiced Hot Chocolate
½ dark raw cocoa
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup soy milk
3 cinnamon sticks
or ½ teaspoon
powdered cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
Anise (optional)

Haitian Pumpkin Soup (Soup Joumou)
  1. Cut the cabbage into small pieces.
  2. Mince the garlic.
  3. Chop the leeks.
  4. Add in a little bit of oil in a pot.
  5. When the oil hot, add in the vegan “lard”.
  6. Add a bit of leeks first, and the rest afterwards.
  7. Add in the onions and then the garlic.
  8. Add in a pinch of salt.
  9. Add in a bit of the water, and let them boil to cook.
  10. When they boil, add in the pumpkin.
  11. Add in the cabbage and the celery.
  12. Stir well.
  13. Add in 8 cups of water to make the broth. Let it boils for about 20 minutes. And then puree the pumpkin.
  14. When it boils, add in the macaroni.
  15. To present the soup, add a few leaves of basil, a habanero chili pepper to decorate.
Spiced Hot Chocolate
  1. Melt the chocolate by grating it firs.
  2. Add in the coconut milk.
  3. Then add in the soya milk in an equal portion.
  4. Mix slowly at first.
  5. Take the nutmeg, grate a little bit into the chocolate drink.
  6. Add in 2 small cinnamon sticks or ½ teaspoon of cinnamon.
  7. Stir all.
  8. Put the mixture on the stove to heat.
  9. To present, decorate a cup with cinnamon.
  10. Add sugar to taste.
  11. The hot chocolate is ready.

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File NO: 1028
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