Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Raspberry Coulis and Caramel Fakiatto with Raw Food Pastry Chef AJ      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Caramel Fakiatto (Serves 2)
8 ounces unsweetened
almond milk
2 tablespoons cacao powder
1 frozen banana
Dates or date paste to taste
8–12 ice cubes
½ teaspoon Watkins caramel extract

Orange Chocolate Mousse
16 ounces pitted dates
soaked in 16 ounces orange juice
12 ounces walnuts
½ cup raw cacao powder
½ cup unsweetened
1 tablespoon
alcohol-free vanilla extract
1 teaspoon orange extract (optional)

Basic Healthy Pie Crust
2 cups raw nuts
2 cups pitted dates
¼ cup raw cacao powder
1 tablespoon alcohol-free vanilla extract

Raspberry Coulis
1 bag frozen raspberries, defrosted (or cherries or strawberries)
Dates or date paste (optional)
1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon alcohol-free vanilla extract (optional)
½ teaspoon almond extract (option)
Lemon juice (optional)

Contact Chef AJ to wow your tastebuds with fantastic vegan ideas and recipes: &

Raspberry Coulis

  1. Take a bag of organic frozen raspberries and let them defrost on the counter overnight.
  2. Put them in a blender.
  3. Add in some dated that have been soaked in water or almond milk, or orange juice.
  4. Add a little bit of almond extract, optional.
  5. Add in a tablespoon of vanilla.
  6. Turn the blender on.
  7. Put the sauce in a squeeze bottle.
  8. This sauce can be served over a chocolate mousse torte, non dairy vegan ice cream, just eat it straight from the bottle, or throw it in smoothies.
Caramel Fakiatto (Serves 2)
  1. Put in the blender 2 cups of almond milk, 4 tablespoons of raw cacao powder, and some dates as many as preference.
  2. Add 2 frozen bananas.
  3. Add 2 capfuls caramel extract.
  4. Add in the ice cubes.
  5. Turn the blender on.
  6. Pour them in a glass and garnish it with a few of raw cacao nibs.

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