Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Mexican Calabacitas (Summer Squash Sauté) & Cancun Nopal Smoothie (In Spanish)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Mexican Calabacitas (Summer Squash Sauté)
6 calabacitas (summer squash)
2 medium poblano peppers
1 cup onion
Sliced ears of corn
Tomatoes, diced
2 tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon sea salt
Vegan sour cream

Cancun Nopal Smoothie
½ nopal leaf
1 slice pineapple
Orange juice

Directions (to make mexican calabacitas):
  1. Add 2 tablespoons of oil
  2. Cut the tofu
  3. Wait until the oil is very hot
  4. Fry the tofu
  5. While the tofu is frying, we are going to slice the poblano pepper, cut the center and take out the seeds, then we cut it in the middle and slice it in thin strips
  6. Cut the summer squash in slices, in cubes
  7. Cut the onion in small cubes
  8. The tofu is getting fried and it is becoming golden then take it out and remove the excess oil
  9. Fry the onion
  10. Add in the slices of corn
  11. Increase to higher heat
  12. Mix it so it blends in the onion
  13. Adding in the pepper strips
  14. Add the epazote
  15. Add the tomato
  16. Add the summer squash
  17. Add one teaspoon of salt
  18. Once we have all the ingredients in the pot and they are mixed, we proceed to cover the pot and let them cook for approximately 10 minutes
  19. Add the tofu and cover it for a moment
  20. Ready to serve (serve it with vegan sour cream)
  21. You can accompany it with tortillas
Directions (to make cancun nopal smoothie):
  1. Put the orange juice in the blender
  2. Put a piece of pineapple
  3. Put a piece of nopal (a quarter of the nopal leaf)
  4. Blend everything
  5. Ready to serve

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File NO: 1376
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