Kenyan Rainbow Veggie Stir-fry with Arrowroot, Pumpkin, and Sweet Potato (In Swahili)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Sweet potatoes
Green bell pepper
Cooking oil

  1. Heat the pan
  2. Pour in about 4 spoonfuls of oil
  3. Add the onions and stir repeatedly
  4. Add the tomatoes
  5. Stir to prevent it from sticking to the pan
  6. Cook it over medium heat
  7. After the onion is cooked, add the green pepper
  8. Add the salt
  9. Pour in your pumpkin pieces
  10. Stir the food to combine the ingredients
  11. Add in the aubergine
  12. Add a little water
  13. Cover the food and let it steam. Wait for about 5 or 6 minutes
  14. Add sweet potatoes and yams
  15. Add some water
  16. Cover the food so that it cooks with the steam for about 5 minutes
  17. Ready to serve

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