Vegan Chocolate Tart with Luscious Berry Cream Topping (In Spanish)      
Chocolate Cake Base
2 tablespoons dark cocoa
¾ cup sugar
1 cup baking flour
1 cup carbonated drink (soda)
½ small cup corn oil
Vanilla extract to taste

Strawberry Cream
150 grams strawberries
250 milliliters water
4 tablespoons flour
½ cup sugar
Juice of 1 lemon juice
Fruit Topping
Fruit jam of your choice
diluted with 100 milliliters water

1. Put the chocolate powder, sugar and the flour and mix them.
2. Add the corn oil and carbonated drink and mix thoroughly for a few minutes.
3. Put the mixture into a thick pan(or oven), cover it, and turn on the stove.

4. Put the strawberries, flour, sugar, lemon, and water into the blender, blend it well.
5. Put 5 into the stove(while removing 4), turn the stove on. Stir while heating so it doesn't stick.
6. When it becomes creamy and not hard, turn it off.

7. Pour 7 on the top of the cake(4) and cool it in the fridge
8. Put fruit topping on top of the strawberry cream, spread it out.
9. Serve it cool.


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