Japanese Fried Tofu Sprinkled with Grated Vegetable Confetti (In Japanese)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
(Serves 4)
2 blocks tofu
⅓ Japanese radish
2 cucumber
5 tablespoons flour
5 tablespoons starch
Vegetable oil
Soy sauce to taste

  1. Drain the tofu quickly and lightly
  2. Put 5 tablespoons of potato starch and 5 tablespoons of flour into the batter
  3. Put equal amount of each and mix them
  4. Stir the mixture lightly
  5. Tear the tofu with your hands into pieces of appropriate size and let them coat with the flour and batter
  6. Fry them in oil until turn golden brown
  7. Peel the skin of japanese radish and grate it
  8. Remove the edges of the cucumbers and grate them in the same way.
  9. Ready to serve

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_de/933

File NO: 1408
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