Colorful Costa Rican Party Rice (In Spanish)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
2 cups cooked rice
1½ cups cooking oil
½ onion
½ bell pepper
3 bay leaves
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons ketchup or tomato sauce
¼ cup small diced carrots
¼ cup green beans or any kind of vegetables
¼ cup shredded cabbage
Some cauliflower
½ cup peas
½ teaspoon mushroom seasoning
½ teaspoon mixed seasoning
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 stalk celery, chopped
Seasoned Soy Protein
½ cup soy protein (square kind to be cut into strips)
Juice of ½ lemon
Some onion
Some bell pepper
1 tablespoon melon
seasoning (optional)
1 tablespoon soy sauce
½ teaspoon salt
Minced garlic to taste
1 cilantro stem,chopped, for garnishing

  1. Add 1½ teaspoons of oil to the pot
  2. Add onion and bell pepper
  3. Stir-fry it
  4. Add the rice
  5. Add 3 bay leaves
  6. Add a pinch of salt
  7. Add 1½ cups of water
  8. While the rice is being cooked, chop the vegetables(carrot, green bean, cabbage, cauliflower or other type of vegetables you like)
  9. Add half of a lemon to the soy protein
  10. Take it and make it into strips
  11. Add 1½ tablespoons of oil
  12. Add a little bit of onion and bell pepper
  13. Add the soy protein
  14. Add some melon seasoning
  15. Add the vegetables
  16. Add half of a teaspoon of salt
  17. Add half a teaspoon of mushroom seasoning
  18. Add also a little bit ofmixed seasoning
  19. Add some soy sauce
  20. Add the peas
  21. Stir it not too cooked
  22. Put the rice into the pot of vegetables and stir it
  23. Add some tomato sauce
  24. Prepare the salad; cut the mango into cubes, cut the chayote, tomato,avocado
  25. Serve it with salad

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