Quinoa's Intergalactic Dreams with Brazilian Beach Boy Raphael Marques (In Portuguese)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Royal quinoa
Water (1 part quinoa to 2 parts water)
1 bunch lettuce
1 bunch arugula
½ bunch watercress
¼ bunch coriander
½ large ripe avocado
5 apricots
6 sun-dried tomatoes
1 handful chestnuts
1 purple onion
1 carrot
Golden flaxseeds
White raisins
Wakame seaweed (optional)

Directions (to make salad):
  1. The first thing we should do is to tear the lettuce with our hands
  2. tear the arugula, the coriander and the watercress
  3. cut the onion into very small pieces and put it on top of our leaves
  4. grate the carrot and spread on it
  5. cut the avocado into small pieces and spread on it
  6. cut the organoleptic sun-dried tomatoes into slices and spread the sun-dried tomatoes on it
  7. cut the apricots into slices and spread on it
  8. crack the chestnuts and spread on it
  9. spread the golden flaxseed on it
  10. spread the white raisins on it
  11. spread the quinoa on it
  12. decorate it with the leaves of coriander
  13. ready to serve
Directions (to make quinoa):
  1. twice the amount of water to one portion of quinoa,
  2. put salt to taste, and a little bit of raisins to give it some flavor
  3. cook for 15 minutes

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_de/1003

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