Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Farbenfrohe Küche mit Koch Cary Brown: Bananarama Spaß Sundae-Eis      

Fried Peanut Bananas
Serves 4
For all ingredients,
please use organic
versions if available
2 bananas
1 tablespoon margarine
1 tablespoon
firmly packed brown sugar
¼ teaspoon
ground cinnamon
¼ cup
chopped peanuts, unsalted

Banana Chocolate
Pistachio Sundae
Serves 4
4 medium ripe bananas,
peeled, cut into 1 inch
(3 millimeters) pieces
and frozen
2 tablespoon soy milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ cup
chopped pistachio nuts
1 tablespoon
shaved vegan chocolate
Soy whipped cream
Ginger powder (optional)
4 mint leaves
(optional, for garnish)
Edible flowers
(optional, for garnish)

Colorful Cuisines
with Chef Cary Brown:
Bananarama Fun
Vegan Ice Cream Sundae

Fried peanut banana (4person)

1. Put vegan margarine and brown sugar in the pan and heat.
2. Cut the bananas into half in two directions and put them into 1.
3. Cook until they become a little brown.
4. Take them out and roll them in chopped peanuts.
5. Put them in foil tray and into the oven and cook in 350 for 15-20 mins until they become golden brown.
6. When they are finished, serve them on a plate

Banana Chocolate Pistachio Sundae (4person)

1. Prepare blender, put in the bananas & chocolate sauce, vanilla (can add ginger, cinnamon or whatever you want)
2. Blend them quickly. They are pretty stiff, that's about right, now to the fridge.
3. Serve nicely on a cup around 2 scoops each, pour some chocolate sirup, add some soy-whip on the top, sprinkle some pistachio& coconut, shaved chocolate(or whatever you want)

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File NO: 973
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