Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Leckeres cremiges Pilz-Stroganoff      
1 cup shitake mushrooms
3 baby portabella mushrooms
1 cup white button mushrooms
2 potatoes (diced and fried or baked)
2 Boca Burger patties
½ package pasta noodles
12 ounce vegan sour cream
1 tablespoon vegan butter
1 cup vegetable broth
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon vegetable broth powder
1 tablespoon soy paste
1 teaspoon soy sauce
Pepper to taste

  1. Boil some water in a pot.
  2. When the water is about to boil, add in 2 pinches of salt and add in the pasta noodle.
  3. Stir evenly. When the pasta noodle is almost double in size, drain it out.
  4. Meanwhile, cut the mushrooms in different shapes and sizes so it adds a little different uniqueness to each mushroom.
  5. To prepare the Boca Burger, pre heat the pan until it is very hot, add some oil and spread it around and then add in the Boca Burger.
  6. Stir the Boca Burger while adding the seasoning such as: the sugar, a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of vegetable broth powder and a little bit of pepper.
  7. Add in a tablespoon of soy paste and a teaspoon of soy sauce.
  8. Keep stirring.
  9. Take out the Boca Burger from the pan, and set it aside.
  10. With the same pan, add in a tablespoon of vegan butter and when it is hot enough add in the mushrooms.
  11. Stir them up and add an couple grind of pepper.
  12. Cook the mushrooms until they look like they’ve absorbed some of the butter.
  13. Pour in the vegetable broth into the mushrooms.
  14. Add in the cooked Boca Burger into it.
  15. Add in the fried or baked potatoes.
  16. Add in the noodle pasta.
  17. Finaly, add in the vegan sour cream. Mix.
  18. Serve it on a plate and decorate it with some fresh parsley.

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File NO: 882
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