Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Singapurisches Lo Hei: Symbol für ein glücksverheißendes Neujahr (Englisch)      
2 carrots
½ radish
1 bowl crackers (golden brown in color)
Chrysanthemum flower
2 slices pomelo
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons plum sauce
Lemon juice
3 tablespoons ground nuts
Leek, preservedand sweetened
Radish, colored green
Preserved vinegar ginger,colored with brown sugar
Green radish, preserved and sweetened
Tangerine peel, shredded and sweetened
Vinegar ginger, colored red and sweetened
2 small slices lemon
Abalone mushroom
2 tablespoons sesame
1 teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
½ teaspoon 5 spices powder

  1. Shred the carrots and the radish with a slicer.
  2. Put the sliced carrots and radish in a bowl and let it dry.
  3. When the carrots and the radish already become dry, arrange it on a wide plate, and top it off with the petals of the chrysanthemum flower and the pomelo.
  4. Arrange the crackers inside the plate.
  5. Put in the abalone mushroom on top of the chrysanthemum flower.
  6. Squeeze out the lemon juice.
  7. Addthe pepper, the cinnamon, and the gold nuggets.
  8. Pour over the oil and plum sauce over it.
  9. Ready to be tossed and served

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