Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Vegan Strawberry Shortcake (In English)      

Shortbread Biscuits:
  • 1½ cups white flour
  • ½ cup whole wheat flour
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • 3½ teaspoons of baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 2/3 cup of unsweetened soy milk
  • Vegan margarine or vegetable shortening

Strawberry topping:
  • ½ bowl sliced strawberries
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar

Vegan cream topping:
  • 1 cup vegan sour cream
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar

Shortbread Biscuits:
1. Mix every dry ingredients.
2. Put Vegan margarine (or vegan shortening) and mix them until it creates pea size shapes
3. Put soymilk and mix together.
4. Roll the dough into 3cm.
5. Use molds or anything similar to shape the cookie.
6. Bake in 350F oven for 15min until it becomes brownish.

Strawberry topping:
1. Slice the rwashed strawberries into 5-6 pieces.
2. Mix with sugar
3. Let the mixture sit for 30mins so the juice comes out.

Vegan cream topping:
1. MixVegan sour cream with sugar.

Assembling Everything
1. When the cookies are done, take them out of the oven and slice into 2 widepieces.
2. Put the strawberries on oneside of cookie and let the juice drizzle and soak.
3. Put Vegan cream topping on 2.
4. Put the other slice of cookie on top of 3.
5. Decorate and enjoy!
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