Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Alive in 5: Un-cooking with Living Foods Chef and Author, Angela Elliot    Teil 1   
Teil 1
Teil 2
Orange Whip:
  • Oranges
  • Bananas
  • Ice
  • Vanilla bean
Bistro at the Beach:
  • Linguini
  • Roma tomatoes
  • Basil
  • Salt (Celtic, Himalayan, or sea salt)
  • Dried oregano
  • Garlic (powder is preferable)
  • Olive oil
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Optional: pine nuts
  • Raw nori
  • Avocados

SupremeMasterTV: Welcome to Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living. We have a very special guest here today at Vegetarian House in Phoenix, Arizona. We have Angela Elliot, raw food chef, and her son, Ian, is going to show us some un-cooking demonstrations today.

And we have her book here: she's going to actually do a couple of recipes out of her "Alive in 5: Raw Gourmet Meals in Five Minutes." So, welcome to our program today on Supreme Master Television and I'm going to turn it over to Angela now.

Angela Elliot: Today, we're going to be making Orange Whip, which is featured “Alive in 5.” Most of these recipes are 5 minutes or less. So what we've done here, we've been juicing oranges. These are navel oranges; you can use either naval or Valencia oranges. And as you can see here, we have an electric juicer. If you don't have a juicer, don't panic.

All you have to do is take it like this and we're going to go ahead and slice it. Just hand squeeze it right into the blender. So, you can see, you don't have to have much more than a cutting board, a knife, and a blender. And if you don't have a blender, we have a couple of recipes today that require no blender at all. So, here we go. We’ll do a couple more hand squeezes and then we'll move right along. This is my assistant, Ian Elliot.

Ian Elliot: Hi.

Angela Elliot: They're very juicy oranges. Okay, and you end up having a lot of pulp; you have to dump that out. Go ahead and do that. This is great for your compost. Then, we're going to go ahead and take what we have in here and just pour it right into the blender. Look at all that beautiful sunshine in the blender.

Then, we're going to be adding bananas. You can also bake with bananas to replace eggs. The riper the banana, the better; think of banana bread. Because you're going to get the sweetness from the bananas, so you don't have to add any agaves or maple syrup or dates or sugar; just getting the goodness of the fruit. Then, we're going to add some ice.

If you're in an area where there are no fresh oranges, you can use fresh, well bottled orange juice if you can't get anything else and you can still make this recipe very nice. The ice is very important. I like to add vanilla bean. When you use vanilla bean and you're using it in a blender, you don't have to scrape and peel it and cut it in half and all that kind of thing; you just stick it, a piece like this, right into the blender. So, we're ready to blend. You want to blend it until it's nice and smooth.

Great, we're going to be pouring it in glasses and you'll be able to see just how beautiful it is. And you can have a couple of slices of orange, and we'll show you how to do that, and you can decorate the glass. Looks like liquid sunshine in a glass. Okay, and then we’ll go ahead and slice all the pieces here and decorate the side of the glass for a more festive look. There you go!

Ian Elliot: Yes.

Angela Elliot: It is amazing. Okay, and for the next one we're going to do, we're going to move right along. And this is one of my favorite recipes. I actually created it at the beach. This is a freebie, this is not in “Alive in 5.” We're going to show you just how to make spaghetti with just a vegetable peeler.

We have two different kinds of vegetable peelers. One does the skinny linguini style and then another does the fettuccini style, which is the thicker pasta noodle. Then, you just twist it and turn it and keep moving it so that you can get the noodles just right.

And what we're going to do, we're just going to keep doing this until we get to the seedy part. You just keep twisting it. We have nothing but an old fashion potato peeler, so you can take this on the go with you anywhere you go.

Like I said, I did this at the beach so it was a lot of fun. Okay, and we have enough noodles here, so what we're going to do is we're going ahead and add our Roma tomatoes that have already been chopped up for you.

I'm going to actually show you how to chop a tomato for those of you who may not have done this. Cut it longwise and then make sure that you put your fingers back here so you don't hurt yourself. Then, slice it like this and then bring it back around and it's such a nicely cut tomato.

I used to destroy my tomatoes until I learned how to do it in such an elegant way and I thought maybe I would share that with you. So it's just absolutely beautiful. I'll just go ahead put that right into the bowl. Then, I have some fresh basil that's been chopped. We'll add this here and I'll show you how to do some basil chopping here. You take your basil and you go ahead and you twist it here off the stem just like that.

Then, we're going to go ahead twist a little bit more. Then, we're going to twist it so we can get lovely ribbons; twist it up just like that.

If you want more of a finer chop, you can actually take it and you can come across like this with your knife for a more finely chopped basil. And there you have it.

Then to this, we add some salt. I like either Celtic salt, Himalayan salt, you can use sea salt. I prefer the Himalayan or the Celtic because they’re very high in minerals. The Himalayan salt is actually from the Himalayas and it’s a very dark pink salt; it’s very high in minerals.

Just put a pinch of salt and basically you just do it to your liking, to your taste. Then, we have some dried organic oregano; go ahead put that in there. You can use fresh garlic, but fresh garlic tends to be very pungent, along with fresh raw onions when you’re not cooking. So, I tend to like to use that very sparingly, and when I make something like this I like to use garlic powder. Then, we just add a drizzle of olive oil.

And then we add some nutritional yeast which gives it the cheesy flavor. You can actually go one step further with this and you can have pine nuts. You add pine nuts in there along with the nutritional yeast and it’s just amazing; makes a nice raw parmesan cheese.

We’ll just add some on top and you can see how beautiful this is. Yes, it’s absolutely gorgeous and it makes a lovely presentation. Like I said, it worked out very well at the beach; we absolutely loved it and everyone there loved it, too. It’s quite a surprise. There you go, raw spaghetti.

All we used, again, was the zucchini and the nutritional yeast, the salt, oregano, olive oil, garlic, basil and tomatoes, and this is what we ended up with.

For the next dish, we’re going to make Ian’s Avo Rockets, so I’m going to turn the camera over to him so he can show you how to make them. So, we have avocadoes and he’s going to cut them in crescent moons.

Ian Elliot: All right, now this is how you would take the seed out. You twist it. And it comes right out. And then you’re going to slice it with a knife in a crescent moon shape like this.

Angela Elliot: This is a very precise process so we want to make it look beautiful, has a presentation to it. What he’s doing is, he sliced into it into crescent moons and then he’s going around and he’s very carefully removing the back peeling.

He’s a perfectionist. It’s beautiful, absolutely perfect! Then, we’re going to use raw nori sheets, and what you want to do with these is slice. Use a good sushi knife. The reason why I say that is because you want to make sure it’s sharp and that it will actually cut through. We want to cut through these and make sure that they don’t fall apart for presentation. Then, once you get a nice line there, you can usually tear it apart. Here you go.

Ian Elliot: Most of them have these little… You can see them running down. Now, if you don’t want to cut it, you can fold it like this, fold it down the crease line. It should just tear right off. If you want to cut it, just get your really sharp knife, run down like this. Then, you’re going to take one of these pieces of avocadoes, take this one right here. Take your nori, put it down like that. You’re going to wrap it around the middle of the avocado like this. Just keep going down.

Angela Elliot: Here’s another fun one for the beach. If you don’t have a knife and you don’t have a cutting board… Actually, the first time it was made, it was made with a pocket knife that Ian happened to have and we just sliced open an avocado from the farmer’s market.

We had some raw nori sheets and he just sliced it down and we just ripped it the rest of the way and we wrapped it around. We served it to a group of teenagers and they went wild. I might add none of those kids were vegan and none of them were raw. It has such a lovely presentation and here we have Ian’s Avo Rockets. We used very little time and we made three dishes.

Angela Elliot: This is the marvelous spaghetti as we call Bistro at the Beach. Then here, we have Ian’s famous Avo Rockets, great hors d'oeuvre or a lovely thing to serve at a teenage party. And then we have the Orange Whip, which is a raw version.

SupremeMasterTV: Now for my favorite part of the show, taste testing! So, cheers!

Angela Elliot: Cheers.

To life.

SupremeMasterTV: Yes, wonderful! Mmm, that is good! Thank you everybody for joining us today on Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living on Supreme Master Television, your constructive television station. Thank you. And thank you!

Angela Elliot: Thank you!

SupremeMasterTV: I’m going to have more of this. Mmm, it is good!

VOICE: Please tune in tomorrow on Vegetarian: The Noble Way of Living, when we return to have a heart to heart with the ever delightful, Ms. Angela Elliot. She will share her insights and inspirations that lead her to write, “Alive in 5.” Up next, is Between Master and Disciples, followed by Noteworthy News. Until next time, may the sunshine of cheerful smiles light up your days.

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