Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Sensational Veggie Pattie Salad      


Veggie Patty:

  • 1 veggie meat paste
  • 1 cup corn
  • 2 cup pea
  • 1 tsp mushroom seasoning
  • small amount black pepper

Veggie Patty Salad:

  • 1 pack Romaine lettuce
  • 3 Tomato: (medium size)
  • 1 Cucumber: (long size)
  • 1 bundle Cilantro

Croutons: at your preference

veggie patty: at your preference

organic Italian dressing: at your preference

Veggie Pattie Salad is a easy way to get started with a day. It takes only a few minutes to make and can be served with bread and salad.

Cooking Instructions

(1) Mix veggie meat paste, corn kernel and peas. Season it with mushroom seasoning and black pepper.

(2) Heat up the saucepan. Take a spoonful of pattie paste onto the saucepan and slightly press it to make it flat. Turn pattie paste over when the pattie become crispy at the side and continue frying the other side.

Serve veggie pattie with bread, rice or salad. If served with salad, cut pattie into cubes and mix them with salad.

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