Goldener gefüllter Tofu mit Kristall-Vermicelli-Nudeln (Kantonesisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
4 pieces of fried tofu
2 cups veggie protein paste
1 cup finely chopped shiitake mushrooms
1 small bundle of mung bean crystal vermicelli
Some Chinese celery and coriander

½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
¼ teaspoon vegetable and fruit seasoning

  1. Cut the fried tofu into two triangle pieces.
  2. To prepare the filling, mix veggie protein paste with shiitake mushrooms, coriander, and Chinese celery. No need for additional seasoning because the veggie protein paste already has flavor in it.
  3. Fill in the filling into the fried tofu as much as possible but not to overstuff it.
  4. Turn on the stove and heat the oil.
  5. Use medium heat, and fry the bottom of the tofu only. Do not need to fry both sides because the main purpose is to fry the filling. It need about 7 – 8 minutes for the filling to cook.
  6. When the filling turns golden brown, then they are done.
  7. Meanwhile, prepare some corn starch mixture, add a little salt and sugar, and then some vegetable and fruit seasoning.
  8. Soak the crystal vermicelli in water. Use generous amount of water because crystal vermicelli absorbs a lot of water.
  9. When the tofu is golden brown, add in the soaked vermicelli into the pan, and cook it for a while.
  10. Add some dark soy sauce to the crystal vermicelli. Mix it.
  11. Add in the corn starch mixture. Mix it.
  12. The crystal vermicelli do not need long time to cook.
  13. Dish out the crystal vermicelli on a plate.
  14. Put the fried tofu on top of the crystal vermicelli.
  15. Ready to be served.

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