Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Nach Rosen duftendes Semolina Halva, klassisches zypriotisches Konfekt (Türkisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
4 cups water
2 cups semolina
2 cups sugar
Rose water

  1. Blanch the almonds, boil them for a while.
  2. Peeled and chopped the almond into small pieces.
  3. Prepare the syrup by adding 4 cups of water into a pot, boil the water, and then add the sugar.
  4. Stir the sugar, and then add the rosewater. Let it boil.
  5. Start frying the halva by adding some oil into our pan. The oil should cover the bottom of the pan.
  6. When the oil is hot enough, add in the almonds into the oil and fry them. Mix them well. Fry them until they change color into slightly brown.
  7. Meanwhile, when the syrup starts to boil, turn down the heat.
  8. Once the almonds are fried, add in the semolina and fry it as well.
  9. Keep stirring the semolina and the almonds. Fry until they become golden.
  10. Take the boiled syrup and pour in slowly into the pan while keep stirring.
  11. Mix them well and then turn off the heat.
  12. Transfer the halva onto a plate, spread it out and level it on a plate. Use the syrup to smoothly level it.
  13. The halva is done, allow it to cool down for a while.
  14. After it cools down, cut it into shapes according to taste.
  15. Ready to be served.
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File NO: 1518
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