Vegane Rohkost: Paranuss-Canelloni-Ricotta des vegetarischen Restaurants Anna Prem in São Paulo, Brasilien (Portugiesisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Raw zucchini
Brazil nuts, ground
Sun dried tomatoes
Fresh basil, chopped
Sea salt
Olive oil

Visit Anna Prem Natural Bistro & Restaurant
in São Paulo, Brazil Online at
Or call
+55 (11) 3208-7552 / +55 (11) 3208-7501
Or email

  1. Soaked the Brazil nuts for a whole day and then ground it in a common food processor. Set it aside.
  2. Slice the zucchini into several thin slices.
  3. Put 2 spoons and a little more of ground Brazil nuts in a bowl.
  4. Put a little bit of leek (according to taste), a little of dried tomatoes, and a little of chopped basil.
  5. Squeeze a little lemon from half a lemon.
  6. Add in some salt according to taste.
  7. Add in some extra virgin olive oil.
  8. Mix all the ingredients well.
  9. In a plate, place the zucchini.
  10. Put the cannelloni onto the zucchini.
  11. Roll the zucchini and place it on a plate.
  12. Make until all the cannelloni used up.
  13. Drop in a little bit of olive oil and some basil sauce that already been prepared.
  14. Put a couple of basil leaves on top of it.
  15. Ready to be served.
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