Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Duftende Thai-Köstlichkeit: Veganes Tom Yum mit dreierlei Pilzen (Thai)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
10 Japanese brown beech mushrooms
10 Japanese king trumpet mushrooms
10 matsutake mushrooms
4 galangal slices pieces
2 lemongrass stalks
4 kaffir lime leaves
5 Thai chili peppers
4 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tomato
2 limes
4 coriander stems
500 milliliters water

  1. Turn on the stove and pour in 500 milliliters of clean filtered water, leave it to boil for a while
  2. Start slicing the herbs: 4 slices of galangal 2 stems of lemongrass sliced diagonally
  3. Put them into the pot
  4. Put in a tomato (use 1 tomato, cut into 4 pieces)
  5. Put in the mushrooms: japanese brown beech mushrooms, japanese king trumpet mushrooms, and matsutake mushrooms, 10 pieces each
  6. Put on the lid
  7. Crush the tomatoes because we want the tomato juice to come out
  8. Cut up 3 coriander and leave them in a bowl
  9. Cut 2 limes and take out the lime seeds because lime seeds taste bitter
  10. After the water is boiling and it smells very fragrant add 4 tablespoons of soy sauce
  11. Add 4 kaffir lime leaves (tear the leaves so the fragrance can come out)
  12. If you like it spicy, crush or blend the thai chili pepper
  13. Wait for it to boil
  14. After you smell the mushroom aroma, the smell of the mushrooms and the herbs. This indicates that we are nearly done
  15. Turn off the heat
  16. Add the coriander and thai chili pepper
  17. Then squeeze in the lime
  18. Pour it into a serving bowl

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File NO: 1380
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