Die Kokosnuss in der balinesischen Küche: Veganes Jejeruk und Pisang Rai (Indonesisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Vegan Jejeruk (Mushroom Simmered in Coconut Curry)
Oyster mushrooms
Coconut milk
Young coconut, shredded
Lesser galangal
Candle nut
Bird’s eye chili
Vegan shrimp paste

Pisang Rai (Coconut Dipped Banana)
Rice flour
Young coconut, shredded

Directions (to make jejeruk):
  1. Steam the oyster mushrooms for about 5–10 minutes
  2. Pound all the spices (pound, blend, or grind)
  3. Shred the young coconut using a scraper
  4. Add 1 tablespoon of oil
  5. Pour the spices and wait until it’s fragrant
  6. Pour in the coconut milk adequately after you smell the fragrance
  7. Stir until it comes together
  8. After the spices are cooked turn of the stove
  9. Add the steamed mushroom
  10. Add the shredded coconut
  11. Add the spices in
  12. Add some lime juice
  13. Stir it
  14. Ready to serve
Directions (to make pisang rai):
  1. Cut the banana
  2. Scrap the coconut
  3. Mix the flour, the rice flour and a bit of salt with water
  4. Turn on the stove
  5. Stir it well
  6. Add the water
  7. For the coconut, after scraping, steam it for a while with pandan leaves and add a bit of salt
  8. While we are waiting for the water to boil, let’s put the banana into the dough
  9. Put the coated banana into the boiled water
  10. Wait until the bananas are floating up, then we lift them out
  11. Put them on a serving plate
  12. Turn the stove off
  13. Coat it with shredded coconut
  14. Ready to be served

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_de/914

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