Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Veganes glutenfreies Johannisbrot und Erdnussbutter-Puffreis-Stücke      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
3 cups of organic peanut butter
1 cup of agave syrup
6 cups of carob chips
¾ or a cup of margarine
8 cups of puff rice

  1. Add in 3 cups of organic peanut butter and 1 cup of agave syrup.
  2. Heat both of them in a pot. Use 2 pots. First pot is to be filled with the organic peanut butter and agave syrup, and the second pot is to be filled with water. Put the first pot into the second pot. And start heating it. This way, it will protect the food inside from burning.
  3. Heat it until they melt together.
  4. Add in the margarine and let it all melt together.
  5. Add in the carob chips. Mix them until they all chocolaty and gooey.
  6. Take out a big mixing bowl, pour in 8 cups of rice puffs into it.
  7. Pour in the chocolate dough onto the rice puffs until they all cover up.
  8. Make sure the chocolate spread evenly. Flatten the rice puff evenly.
  9. Let it cool in the fridge for about half an hour.
  10. After 30 minutes, they will be firm enough to cut and enjoy.
  11. Ready to be served.

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File NO: 1369
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