Veganes Charquican: schmackhaftes traditionnelles Eintopfgericht aus Zentralchile (Spanisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
2 cups vegetable protein
300 grams pumpkin, cubed
1000 grams potatoes, cubed
Medium-size ear of corn, grated
250 grams green beans, cut diagonally
½ cup chopped onion
½ cup bell peppers, cut in strips
½ tablespoon paprika powder
½ tablespoon salt
Oregano to taste

  1. Lightly sautéing the onion in oil
  2. Put the bell peppers which are in strips
  3. Add 2 cups of soy protein which is re-hydrated
  4. Pour 3 cups of boiled water
  5. Left to soak for 5 minutes, and then it is ready to be cooked
  6. Add ½ a tablespoon of paprika powder
  7. Add salt
  8. Add ½ a tablespoon oregano
  9. Wait until everything is cooked thoroughly
  10. Add the pumpkin, the potatoes, the corn, and the green beans
  11. Add ½ a liter of water
  12. Cook for 20–30 minutes
  13. Ready to serve

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