Azukibohnen-Brotaufstrich mit Buchweizen und Mungobohnensprossen (Tschechisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
The ingredients of Adzuki spread:
500 grams adzuki beans
(pre-soaked overnight)
250 milliliters
vegetable oil
3 spoons marjoram
6 cloves garlic
3 spoons sunflower seeds
3 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon
ground black pepper

Optional ingredients:
6 spoons of buckwheat
Mung bean sprouts

  1. Boil the adzuki bean in the same water which is used for soaking them for about 20 minutes.
  2. Cover the pot with a lid so that it boils faster.
  3. Remove the foams that come out. Be careful not to let the water overflow.
  4. After the beans become tender, move it onto a plate.
  5. Add the beans with 2 or 4 cloves of garlic. Fewer is better. Add more later if needed.
  6. Add in the sunflower seeds, the marjoram, salt, pepper, and the oil.
  7. The oil should be enough so that it will be easily spreadable.
  8. Mix them all together with a hand mixer until it is fine.
  9. Add some more salt, marjoram and oil if needed.
  10. If it is too thick, add a bit of reboiled water, but only a little bit, or the oil.
  11. The adzuki bean base spread is ready.
  12. For alternative, you can add buckwheat and mung bean sprouts.
  13. Pre-soaked the buckwheat overnight so that they’ll become tender.
  14. Pour out the soaked water, and rinse the buckwheat with clean water.
  15. Add in the buckwheat, and mix it with the handmixer. No need to make it too smooth, let it left a little bit so it would taste like nuts.
  16. Add in the mung bean sprouts, mix it with handmixer.
  17. The alternative spread is ready.
  18. Both the original adzuki bean spread and the alternative can be used as spread for bread.

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