Hausgemachte indonesische Zitronen-Sandwich-Kekse mit Sternenstaub (Indonesisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Vegan margarine
Caster sugar
Fresh lemon (or lime) juice

Directions (to make dough):
  1. Put in the vegan margarine
  2. Put in the caster sugar
  3. Mix it for a while
  4. After it is evenly mixed, put the flour and the cornstarch in
  5. Mix it again, until everything is evenly mixed

Directions (to make little balls):
  1. Prepare the baking pan
  2. Using your hand make little balls
  3. Make balls until all the dough is used up
  4. Press the balls with the fork (do it slowly)
  5. Put on some garnish, which are star-shaped sprinkles
  6. Put them into the oven
  7. Bake at a temperature of 170 degrees celsius for 45 minutes
Directions (to make the filling):
  1. Take caster sugar
  2. Cut the lime, throw the seeds away
  3. Swueeze the lime into the caster sugar
  4. We will use the lime juice as needed until the sugar thickens
  5. Stir it until it has thickened enough

Directions (to decorate):
  1. Take the cookies out slowly from the oven
  2. Wait until they cool down
  3. After they are cooled, take one of the cookies
  4. Add a little filling in the middle
  5. Then put it together like a sandwich
  6. Take another one, add a little bit, put it together again
  7. Do this one by one to all of the cookies
  8. Ready to serve

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