Fastenbräuche: Tröstliche fleischlose Suppe aus gespaltenen grünen Erbsen      
For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available
2 cups green split peas
1 potato, peeled and chopped into ¼ inch dices
1 piece celery, chopped
1 carrot, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cups vegetable broth
4 cups water
1 teaspoon sea salt
Black pepper to taste
1 bay leaf or kombu seaweed (optional)
(Serve with salad and vegan buttered toast)

  1. Add in 2 tablespoon of olive oil to the pan, let it heat for a while.
  2. Add in the onion, stirr a little bit.
  3. Add in the carrots, and then the celery.
  4. Saute all this together until it starts to get soft for about 5 minutes.
  5. Add in the potatoes, and stir around.
  6. Add in the green split peas, and stir around.
  7. Add in the vegetable broth and the water.
  8. Let it boil over high heat, and once it starts to boil turn the heat down to a simmer and cover it.
  9. Add the bay leaf.
  10. Add 1 teaspoon of salt.
  11. Add in the fresh ground black pepper.
  12. Stir it all around, let it boil and cover it and reduce the heat to a simmer. Let it cook for about 1 hour.
  13. Stir occasionally until the peas are soft and the soup is thick.
  14. If you want to make it a little thinner, add some extra water.
  15. Let it cook for another 15 minutes or half an hour.
  16. Serve the soup with fresh organic salad and some whole grain vegan buttered toast.

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