Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Kochen im Loving Hut Singapur: geschmorter Schopftintling für das Lunar-Neujahr (Kantonesisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
3 shaggy mane mushrooms (sliced)
5 shiitake mushroom
3 stalks leek
Thumb-size piece of ginger
1 red chili pepper
3 tablespoons plant-based oil
½ teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon mushroom seasoning
4 teaspoons soy sauce
3 teaspoons black soy sauce
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 pinch salt
1 tablespoon starch
1 pinch pepper
1 cup water

Directions (to preparing):
  1. Cut the top off shaggy mane mushroom put it aside first
  2. Cut bottom of the mushroom into slices (the thinner the better)
  3. Use hot water to soak
  4. Cut the spring onion not too thick or thin
  5. Cut chili slices
  6. Cut mushroom top (slice it thinner)

Directions (to fry the spring onion):
  1. Start the fire
  2. Put in some oil
  3. Add the spring onion (the fire here is slower)
  4. Fry until slightly burnt
  5. Drain out the oil
  6. Put a little ginger on the plate
  7. Fry it slightly
  8. Put the mushroom
  9. Fry for a while
  10. Put in 2 spoonfuls of soy sauce
  11. Add 1 spoonful mushroom seasoning
  12. Add 2 teaspoons sesame oil
  13. Fry it for a while
  14. Put in fried spring onion
  15. Add in the shaggy mane mushroom which has been soaked in hot water
  16. Lower the fire
  17. Add 1 teaspoon of dark soy sauce
  18. Pour in 1 cup water and let it simmer
  19. Add ½ teaspoon sugar
  20. Mixed the starch with a little water and put in to make it smooth
  21. Put some red chili to make the dish look brighter
  22. Switch it off
  23. Seady to serve

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File NO: 1253
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