Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Iranian Shole Zard:Saffron Rice Pudding (In Persian)      
(For all ingredients,please use organic versions if available)
5 cups water
1 cup broken rice
4 cups sugar
1 teaspoon saffron, crumbled
Sliced almond, as needed
Cinnamon, as needed
½ cup vegetable oil
½ cup rose water

Directions (to make rice):
1. Add water and rice to a pot
2. Cooked on low heat and leave it to cook for 2 hours
3. After the rice is cooked add the almond slices
4. Set the rice aside

Directions (to make the shole zard syrup):
1. Heat the pot
2. Add some water
3. Add some sugar
4. Add the oil
5. Add the saffron
6. Mix well
7. The syrup has to stay warm for awhile, so that way, the ingredients are dissolved well
8. Add the syrup to the cooked rice
9. Increase the heat somewhat
10. Stir this well
11. Stay cook for awhile
12. Add the rose water boiled for one minute
13. Take a suitable dish
14. Reduce the heat as well
15. Pour into a suitable dish
16. Cool it (the shole zard must cool down completely)
17. Decorate the top with cinnamon and almond slices (you can also use pistachio slices and coconut powder)
18. Ready to serve
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File NO: 1211
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