Milder, herber und pikanter Tofuaufstrich (Tschechisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
2 pieces natural tofu
200 milliliters vegetable oil
200 milliliters water
15 dekagrams breadcrumbs
2 onions
5 pickles
3 tablespoons pickle brine
2 tablespoons Vegeta (vegetable seasoning)
1 teaspoon black pepper

1. Cut the onion into small cubes
2. Grate about 4 pickles (in sweet and sour brine)
3. Turn the stove on high heat
4. Add a lot of oil so that the spread will be smooth
5. Fry the onion to golden brown
6. Put 4 or 5 soup spoons of breadcrumbs (4, 5… it doesn’t matter if you use more, it will expand after adding water)
7. Fry it a bit
8. Add more oil (we won’t put any butter on the bread, only the spread, so it must be a bit greasy)
9. Stir it so it will not get burnt
10. Turn down the heat
11. After the breadcrumbs turn a little red or a bit brown add tofu (mash tofu with our hands)
12. Stir it
13. Add 4 or 6 teaspoons of vegeta (depends on how salty do you want)
14. Add pepper (it depends how much you like it)
15. Pour a bit of water
16. Turn the flame to high heat
17. Add the pickles and mustard
18. Add the pickle brine
19. Add a bit of brine
20. If anyone likes spicy food, they can add hot pepper brine
21. Add 1½ or 2 tablespoon of mustard
22. Let it simmer for awhile
23. Let it boil for awhile and turn it off
24. Cut the bread a little slanted
25. Put the spread on them
26. Decorate it with vegetables
27. Ready to serve

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