Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Kochen mit Loving Hut Milpitas: Internationale Suppe, Spezialität des Hauses      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
4 cups water
¾ piece bean curd
¼ block silken tofu
½ cup soy protein
⅓ cup green peas
⅓ cup diced carrot
1½ teaspoons sugar
1½ teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon natural
mushroom seasoning
Tapioca starch mix
(¼ cup water + 2 tablespoons tapioca starch)
¾ cup cilantro
2 sheets sushi nori
Sesame oil
Cracked black pepper
Lemon and chili (optional)

1. Heat the water in a pan until it’s boiled.
2. Put in the bean curd, the tofu, the carrots, and the soy protein.
3. Let it boiled and gentle stir once a while.
4. Put in the green peas, the sea salt, the sugar, and the natural mushroom seasoning.
5. Let it boiled.
6. Add the tapioca starch and stir it gently at the same time. (If it is not stirred at the same time, they will form some clumps). The soup will become thick and creamy.
7. Let it cooked for about a minute.
8. Add in the cilantro and the suhsi nori. Then turn off the heat.
9. Put a little sesame oil for garnish and some cracked black pepper for aroma.
10. Ready to serve.
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File NO: 1174
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