Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Veganer Kirschkäsekuchen mit Köchin und Autorin Sharon Valencik      
Graham Crust
1 sleeve Graham crackers
(or 1½ cups Graham cracker crumbs)
⅓ cup vegetable oil (Canola oil)
1 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon vegan white sugar
Oil spray and flour (to coat springform pan)

Creamy Vegan Cheesecake Filling
32 ounces vegan cream cheese (Tofutti Better Than Cream Cheese)
1 cup vegan white sugar
¼ cup fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons lemon zest
2 teaspoons corn starch (or kudzu root or arrowroot)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Cherry pie filling as topping

Directions (to make the cake):
1. Put crackers (crumbs) into food processor, add oil, water, sugar
2. Switch on the food processor to a quick whirl
3. Coat the baking pan with some oil and flour
4. Pour all crust mixture from food processor into the pan
5. Press the crust into the pan
6. Bake into oven at 350oF for 10 minutes (a)

Directions (to make the cream):
1. Scoop out the cheese into food processor
2. Add sugar, juice, zest, starch, vanilla extract
3. Switch on the food processor to a quick whirl, resulting cream (b)

Directions (to make the cheesecake):
1. Pour the cream (b) into the crust (a)
2. Bake into oven at 350oF for 55 minutes (c)
3. Then cool it down and store in the fridge overnight

Pour a can of cherry pie filling on top the cheesecake, and enjoy..

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