Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Kartoffel Pawa und Butternuss-Curry-Spinat (Englisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Potato Pawa
1 medium potato, cubed small
3 tablespoons sunflower oil
1 cup pawa (flat rice soaked in water)
1 tablespoonful fresh curry leaves
Fresh chopped coriander to garnish
1 teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon red chilli powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cumin and coriander powder
2 teaspoons crushed green chillies
2 teaspoons crushed fresh ginger
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
Pinch of mustard seeds
Pinch of cumin seeds
Salt to taste
1 lemon, sliced

Spinach and Butternut Curry
1 small butternut squash
1 large bowl finely chopped spinach
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
Pinch of cumin seeds
1 teaspoon crushed and chopped green chillies
1 teaspoon crushed and chopped ginger
1 teaspoon red chilli powder
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon cumin and coriander powder
(Pinch of garam masala)
(Salt to taste)

Directions (to make Potato Pawa):
1. Preheat oil in a pan
2. Add ½ teaspoon cumin seeds, mustard seeds & sesame seeds
3. Add some curry leaves, spices, chillies, ginger
4. Add potatoes, cumin & coriander powder, red chilli powder, turmeric, salt
5. Let simmer until potatoes slightly soft
6. Add pawa and mix them thoroughly
7. Then pour pawa mixture onto a plate, spread coriander, add a slice of lemon

Directions (to make Spinach and Butternut Curry):
1. Preheat a pan then add cumin seeds
2. When it roasted a little bit, add oil
3. Add green chillies, ginger, cumin & coriander powder, red chilli, turmeric, quick stir then add butternut
4. Let it simmer for a while until butternut slightly soft
5. Add spinach, stir thoroughly
6. Let it simmer for a while
7. Then pour the food onto a plate, spread garam masala on top

Take some pawa onto a plate, add the curry and enjoy..

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