Malaysisches veganes Mee Rebus (Kartoffelsoße-Nudeln) (Malaysisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
(Serves 2)
Fresh noodles for 2 people (mixed with bean sprouts and cooked)
1 piece tofu (fried and cut)
6 shallots (thinly sliced and fried)
2 cloves of garlic (thinly sliced)
1 green chili (thinly sliced)
2 medium-sized potatoes (cut and cooked)
2 tablespoons cornstarch (mixed with a little water)
Oil for frying and cooking
100 grams bean sprouts
5 pieces of thin sliced ginger
4 tablespoons curry powder
4 tablespoons all purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons vegan mushroom seasoning
Salt and Sugar to taste
700 milliliters water
2 calamansi (or limes), cut halves

Directions (to make meat replacement):
1. Add water to the flour, mix to have a thick dough
2. Add bean sprouts, also some fried shallots, mix well
3. Preheat oil in a pan, then take some of the mixture into the pan to fry
4. Turn over when necessary, cooked until golden brown, so these would fuction as meat replacement
5. When all the mixture have been fried, pour most of the used oil to a bowl, and leave some remaining oil in the pan

Directions (to make the soup):
6. Add ginger into the pan, also curry powder mixed with some water, saute well
7. Add fried shallot, water, salt, mushroom seasoning, potatoes, cook to boil
8. Add some of the cornstarch and stir well, this will thicken the soup

Put the cooked noodles mixed with beans sprout in a plate. Cut the meat replacement to several pieces, put to edge of the plate, also fried tofu. Pour the soup on top of noodles. Add fried shallots, chili, calamansi. Enjoy

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