Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Mexikanisches Picadillo Dulce (Süße gehackte Soja mit frischer Salsasauce) (Spanisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)

Picadillo Dulce (Sweet Minced Soy)
200–300 grams dry soy protein granules, soaked 1 hour in water then squeezed (a)
1 large tomato, blend to juice (b)
¼ onion, chopped
Salt to taste
Olive oil
½ cup raisins

Served as tortilla’s filling for tostada or taco.

Fresh Salsa
1 large tomato
¼ onion
1–2 large Serrano chilies
Cilantro to taste
Salt to taste

Directions (to make Picadillo Dulce):
1. Fry onion with oil in a pan
2. Add the soy protein (a), stir until brown and has no more water
3. Pour tomato juice (b) into another preheated pan to boil
4. When boiled (the color has changed) add to the soy protein
5. Add raisins, stir well and let them cook for while

Directions (to make Fresh Salsa):
1. Blend together all ingredients to juice
2. Put into a bowl, add salt to taste, stir well

For tostada put some dulce (let it cool a bit) on a tortilla, add lettuce then salsa on top.
To have tacos, warm tortilla onto the pan to soften it before adding dulce and salsa, then fold it.
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File NO: 1035
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