Okra gefüllt mit Gewürzen und indisches grünes Pulao (Hindi)      

Spice Filled Okras

Red chili powder
Turmeric powder
Cumin powder
Black pepper powder
Coriander powder

3–4 tablespoons of oil
Salt to taste
Tomatoes and onions to garnish

Green Pulao
Boiled rice
Green paste

Coriander leaves
Mint leaves
2 tomatoes

1 bay leaf
2 black cardamoms
5–7 cloves
Cumin powder
Salt to taste
Cumin seeds
1 tablespoon oil

Spiced Filled Okras
  1. Mix all the spices together: the red chili powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder, black pepper powder, and coriander powder.
  2. Wash the okras and wipe them dry and cut both the ends.
  3. Slit it in the center, and stuff the spices mixture into it.
  4. Close the slit.
  5. Put some oil in a pan for about 3-4 tablespoons and heat it.
  6. When the oil is hot, slowly put in the okras. Keep the heat on high for a while.
  7. Spread the okras properly and gently so that the spices not spilling out of the okras.
  8. Slowly turn the okras over. Be careful not to break the okras.
  9. When the okras look slightly cooked, reduce the heat for a while.
  10. Gently turn the okras over from time to time.
  11. When the okras are turning brown, fry on low heat for about 8-10 minutes, while gently turning them over from time to time.
  12. Take out the okras from the oil, remove the excess oil.
  13. Sprinkle the remaining spice mixture over the okras and mix them.
  14. The spicy okras are now ready to eat.
  15. For garnishing, spread onions and tomatoes around the okras.
Indian Green Pulao
  1. Prepare the rice.
  2. Prepare the green paste using coriander leaves, mint leaves, and tomatoes.
  3. Turn on the stove, put around 1 tablespoon of oil and allow it to heat up.
  4. When the oil is hot, add in the cumin seeds.
  5. When the cumin seeds begin to crackle, add 2 black cardamoms, 5-7 cloves, and 1 bay leaf. Gently mix them.
  6. When the cumin seeds turn dark brown, lower the heat.
  7. Add 2 tablespoons of the prepared green paste.
  8. Saute the paste until the water in the paste dries up.
  9. Saute until the oil separates on the outer edges of the paste.
  10. Put some salf to taste.
  11. Add in the cooked rice. Mix it well.
  12. Add in the boiled chickpeas, some tofu, and boiled potatoes. Or just have it plain if you like.
  13. Mix well, and the transfer the rice to a bowl.
  14. Ready to be eat.

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