A plant-based diet offers peace for our survival. - 9 Mar 2009  
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 A plant-based diet offers peace for our survival.
A plant-based diet offers peace for our survival. From the Veracruz governor and Xalapa City mayor, to businesspeople, the media, families, and even young students, the attendees of the “SOS” Save the Planet conference in Mexico came because they cared about the future, and left with new perspectives on how climate change could be solved. Indeed, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s words had left a deep impression and new hope for many, with her presence as the evening’s guest of honor.

José Antonio López – Professor of History, vegetarian (M): What advice would you give to people, in order for them to keep inherent sincerity, and to keep being vegetarians as well?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Professor López, thank you for your concern. To be vegetarian is one of the highest forms of sincerity and love. Being vegetarian, meaning consuming an absolutely animal-free diet, give us also the freedom of conscience, of peace of mind that comes from living in peace with other beings and nature, which is the original lifestyle of all Mexicans, I believe, according to history. This is the kind of peace the planet needs to survive. You see, remind them of the ancient Mayas, which our governor has just told us that in the beginning they live on corn and other vegetables. And they did not have any cancer or any other problems. So we should learn from our ancestry. Remind people of that.

VOICE: We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her words of wisdom that indeed have reminded so many people to return to the noble, compassionate way of living. We pray that the world will quickly take the steps necessary to restore and preserve our Earth.

Please tune in at a future date for the full conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai on Words of Wisdom, with multi-language subtitles.

World's largest wetland threatened in brazil
Largest wetland in the world in decline. The Pantanal region, shared by Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay, is the world’s largest wetland and home to an extraordinary array of rare animals, along with 650 species of birds. However, the area has become increasingly threatened by unsustainable economic development, large-scale deforestation and pollution. The biggest problem is cattle raising, which has caused a 63 percent loss of the Pantanal forests in elevated regions. Farm pollution now also jeopardizes the balance of the fragile ecosystem. Sandro Menezes, manager of Conservation International's Pantanal project said, "It's very probable that local flora and fauna will become extinct."

Conservation International, we appreciate this clear picture of the potential losses facing the unique Pantanal wetlands. Our prayers that a caring humanity adopts sustainable lifestyles to ensure the flourishing our world’s irreplaceably diverse inhabitants.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Supreme Master Television staff
November 26, 2008

During a videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in California, USA in November 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai explained the interconnectedness of human-caused events, including the spiritual redemption that results from turning to a meat-free lifestyle:

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Fertilize for more animal feeding, clearing more forest for animal feeding, planting animal feed and fertilizing animal feed and run-off pollutions, acidity caused by run-off pollution and weather change and cause more destruction and then erosion, then reconstruction, etc., etc.

It’s the whole chain of effects. And another thing, people forget all the time the “cause and effect,” the karma. Even people now, they eat meat all these years and they just turn to vegetarian diet then their cancer is diminished or lessened, their sickness is gone, even cardiovascular disease and many other diseases just disappear. So even if the methane gas is still there in the air from the animal but we turn away from killing; we drop the butcher knife, then we are protected by our own virtues.
We are protected once we turn to be a compassionate person.

Nigeria: As Lagos Streetlights Go Solar
Nigeria rolls out solar streetlights. To secure a more reliable source of illumination as well as a move toward sustainability, the state of Lagos is implementing a system of energy efficient light emitting diodes (LEDs). Complete with nine-year batteries and solar panels that won’t require maintenance for 25 years, the streetlights are also able to detect light, turning on as it becomes dark, and off as the sun comes up.

Our green hats off, Lagos, on your new eco-development. May your sustainable endeavors continue to benefit the security and well-being of the good-hearted Nigerian people.